So you wanna do a shorter hike?
Great! There are sections you can do. Check the ROUTE and see if there is a day you would like to join with us on a one day stretch. Campsites all be limited along this route and we will already have a lot of people hiking who will need places to sleep, so its better if you don’t overnight. If you want a really tough challenge hiking from moline basin to the top of Mt Lemmon with us early in the Morning on the 18th of March will be both beautiful and grueling. If you want a sliiiightly less grueling day and want to cross the finish line with us, starting on the top of Mt Lemmon on the 19th of March and heading down to Catalina State Park will be a shorter day. The is still 15-17 miles with a LOT of downhill. Final option… Come out and do a short hike in Catalina State Park the afternoon of the 19th. We will be coming down from the trail that goes to Romero Pools, so you can hike out to meet us and hike back with us! If you want to dress as a hotdog or other food to join us that would be awesome!